Technique Academy Football Coaching – Home Page


The Technique Academy, in association with Shenfield School, provides football coaching for children aged 5-13 years throughout the year in Blackmore Sports Club. The Government has issued new guidelines which enable football training to resume at The Technique Academy and we have taken measures to follow these guidelines and keep your child safe during Covid-19. We teach children to learn and improve their football skills and meet new friends. Our coaches are FA qualified, CRB vetted and have attended Child Protection Workshops. We have Cup Competitions with trophies and children who perform to a high standard may be invited to trial with a professional football club.

Pro training in a safe environment

Well done to the last course winners

NEW 2024 & 2025 COURSES are here

2 Day Course 31st & 1st Oct/Nov
2 Day Course 20th & 21st February
2 Day Course 10th & 11th April
2 Day Course 16th & 17th April
2 Day Course 29th & 30th May
Courses will comply with Government Regulations.